Last week I was at the march for Life in Washington DC and we got stranded in the blizzard, which is why there was no sermon!
heard a story about a priest who was going to stay with his niece and
her partner. It was an awkward situation because they were both
into occult practice and he was a priest. They also knew he
knew they were into this, but for the few days that he was with them
he never once mentioned a word about it, or made any remarks or
comments. Instead he was just very loving towards them and
showed great respect for them. They were so moved by his that
it actually won them over to Christianity.
Duff, the man who founded the Legion of Mary, had a lovely saying:
‘Win an argument, lose a soul.’ Arguments don’t win
people over; love does.
readings present us with two things. First of all, the prophet,
or the person who speaks the word of God, the message of God, is
going to meet opposition. While that applies especially to the
one who has to preach it, it also applies to all of us who try to
live it. As you know it is ‘cool’ to be just about anything
except Catholic at the moment. We are in the minority
now and the Lord is putting it to us to try and be faithful in the
midst of so much opposition. In the first reading God says to
the prophet:
Brace yourself for
action… Do not be dismayed in their presence… I will make you
into a pillar of iron and a wall of bronze to confront all this land
(Jer 1:17-18)
Lord continues to say the same to us. ‘Don’t be afraid
because people are opposed to you, or to your way of life, or what
you believe in. Instead, stand your ground.’
They will fight
against you but shall not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver
you—it is the Lord who speaks (Jer 1:19).
is a big temptation for us to take what might seem like an easier
option, or just to take the bits of our faith that suit us. After
all, that can seem much more ‘reasonable’. However, that is
not what the Lord tells us to do. The Lord tells us to try and
be faithful to his word, because that is the path that leads to
life. That is the path that will bring us to fulfilment more
than anything else. Following the way of his teachings is not easy,
but it is completely worthwhile.
the beginning of his preaching Jesus met continued opposition. In
today’s Gospel we read how in a matter of minutes the people went
from admiring the beautiful words that came out of his mouth, to
wanting to kill him. Another time when the apostles came and
told him that everyone was looking for him because they wanted to
hear him, he said, ‘Let us go elsewhere to the neighbouring
towns.’ He knew what he had to do and whether he was popular
or not, he just kept going about what the Father in heaven had sent
him to do.
Lord is telling us something through all this. He is calling us
to be faithful. We may be in the minority and there may be
plenty of opposition, but it doesn’t matter. God has given us
something extraordinary in his teaching and although we are free to
take it or leave it we will never find anything else that could
compare to his teaching.
second thing that we are presented with in today’s readings is the
call to love. Nothing is more important than this. Love is
patient, kind, gentle, tolerant. This is what we are called to
try and live. We will say more to the people around us by the
way we live than by any arguments we could make. In the
beginning the Christians were a small group and people were very
suspicious of them, but it was the witness of their lives that
convinced others as to what they were about. People were amazed
at how they loved each other and how they tried to live. The
same holds true for us.
In one of his famous speeches, Martin Luther King said something very similar:
In one of his famous speeches, Martin Luther King said something very similar:
To our bitterest
opponents we say: We shall match your capacity to inflict suffering
by our capacity to endure suffering. We shall meet your
physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will, we
shall continue to love you… Throw us in jail, we shall still love
you. Send your hooded perpetrators of violence into our
community at the midnight hour and beat us and leave us half-dead and
we shall still love you. One day we will win freedom, but not
only for ourselves. We shall so appeal to your heart and
conscience that we shall win you in the process. (Martin Luther King,
Strength to Love)
‘secret’ of being able to live this way, is for us to root
ourselves in God, because it is only through our relationship to God
that we receive the ability to love those around us; to be tolerant
with those who are different to us or who directly oppose us. That
is why each week we keep coming back to listen to God’s word and
see what he is saying to us; and we keep coming back to receive Jesus
in the Eucharist, because if we try to live the way of Christianity
by our own strength we will quickly fail. The Lord doesn’t
expect us to live it by our own strength and neither should we. Our
strength comes from staying close to him.
the end there are three things that last: faith, hope and love and
the greatest of these is love (1 Cor 13:13)
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