Friday, December 29, 2023
Feast of the Holy Family (Gospel: Luke 2:22-40) Our imperfect families
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Christmas: The Promise of Happiness
Christmas is about what happens to us when we die. It is the feast of the greatest hope imaginable, because it tells us two things: First, that what all of us want—happiness—awaits us if we choose it. Second, that we have great worth and value in God’s eyes, regardless of how our life on earth turns out. That is what we celebrate at Christmas.
We tend to see Christmas just as the birth of Christ, which is part of it, but the birth of Christ is the beginning of a great event that took place over 33 years. It has three parts.
1. The Son of God comes among us, to live as one of us and take on the human condition with all its difficulties.
2. To teach us about God and why we are here.
3. To sacrifice himself for us, so that we can reach the happiness that God originally created us for.
Hopefully we will have times of happiness in this life, but it will only be fulfilled in the world to come, but God has created us for happiness. God wants us to find happiness because that’s what He originally created us for. Why? Because God wanted us to share in his joy, just like you want others to share in your joy when you are celebrating something. Our instinct is to invite others to celebrate with us.
If God wants us to be happy, why don’t we have it now? It always seems to be just out of reach. We always think that if I could just get this house, car, job, or have this relationship, then I would find that fulfillment, but it always seems to be just out of reach.
God originally gave our first parents total fulfillment. The story of Adam and Eve is a way of explaining this. It says in the garden of Eden they had every delight. But God also warned them to respect their limits as human beings. Don’t touch the tree of good and evil. In other words, don’t play God, because you won’t be able for it. Don’t be the ones to decide what is good and evil, who lives and who dies, what male and female are. Only God can do this. But they were deceived into thinking they could.
Why did Satan want to deceive them? Because He hates God and He hates God’s creation and he tries to destroy us in order to get at God. We are nothing to him, except a way to get at God. And so he convinced them to take the fruit, to do what God told them not to do and as a result they lost the happiness they had been given. The problem was that they had no way of winning back that happiness. But because God loves us He would not allow things to remain that way. And so God the Son came among us, taking on human flesh and shed his blood to atone for our sins, so that when we die we could reach that original happiness that God intended for us. It is now waiting for us if we choose it. But it is not a given. We must choose it and we choose it by the way we live in this life.
It also tells us something that we find hard to grasp; that is, that we have an infinite value and worth in God’s eye’s, regardless of how our life turns out. It means that God will do anything to get us to heaven. In fact God has done everything to make it possible for us to get to heaven. We generally tend to think that if we really get our act together and if we become holy enough, then we will be acceptable to God. That is not what God teaches us. God teaches us that He loves us totally and completely, as we are right now. We may think of ourselves as failures, or disappointments in the world’s eyes, but that is not how God sees us. We are never failures in God’s eyes. Think of a little child. No matter how much that child makes a mess of things, you don’t love them any less. You love them just because they exist.
There is a Jesuit priest called Fr. Greg Boyle, who for over thirty years has worked in the toughest gang-land areas of LA. He wrote a book called, Tattoos on the Heart: the Power of Boundless Compassion. Up to the time he published the book in 2010, he had already buried 167 young people, from gangland shootings. In the book, he talks about the fact that most of the young people who end up in gangs, really have little else. Most of them have grown up in homes with no parents, or with parents so wrecked by addiction that they might as well not be there, or of such violence that they have left and lived on the streets. They end up in gangs because the gangs provide them with a sense of belonging; a family of sorts. He says that they don’t plan their futures; they plan their funerals, because they expect to die young. Young women often want to get pregnant early, so that they will have the experience of having a child before they get killed. Most of them don’t expect to make it past 20.
Fr. Greg helps them to see that they are valued, that they have worth and that they are not failures. He says that so many of them have come into his office and just cried, saying that they are total failures and they live in shame. But once he takes an interest in them, learns their name, helps them to see that he has an interest in them, they begin to change and many of them then leave the gangs and even get jobs. Once they begin to feel loved and valued, their life starts to turn around. He has now set up an organization called Homeboy Industries.
He spoke about one instance where he remembered the name of one young man and when he saw him on the street one time, he called out his name, ‘Hey Mike, how are you doing?’ He said the young man was astonished and kept turning back smiling. He couldn’t believe that someone noticed him.
Pope Francis, when he was a much younger priest was head of the Jesuits in Argentina. During the military dictatorship in Argentina he had to make some very difficult choices. One decision he made resulted in at least two Jesuit priests being arrested and tortured for several months. One forgave him the other did not and considered him a traitor up to his death. He made bad decisions with very serious consequences. Years later the Lord made him pope. Yes, I said the Lord made him pope. Why would God choose someone who had betrayed other priests, even if he didn’t intend to? Why would God choose a failure? Because he was not a failure in God’s eyes. He is a human being who made mistakes. Why did he choose St. Peter who also betrayed him? because he saw the greatness in him, just as He does in us. God sees the greatness in us. We are beautiful in his eyes, regardless of the mistakes we have made. We are never a failure in his eyes. And that is why He has made it possible for us to have eternal happiness when we die, because He wants us to be with him. And that is what we are celebrating at Christmas.
‘The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.’
Friday, December 22, 2023
4th Sunday Advent Yr B (Gospel: Luke:1-26-38) God's Church
I want to address Pope Francis’ announcement that priests can now bless gay couples. The document called Fiducia Supplicans, has caused a lot of upset and confusion and I would just like to explain what it does and does not mean.
What most people heard, was that priests can now bless gay marriage, which is not what was said. In fact, in the same document the pope expressly states that under no circumstances can a priest bless a gay marriage, or union, since we believe that marriage is a life-long commitment between a man and a woman, open to life. The Church’s teaching has not changed on that, but that is what many people are misunderstanding.
What it means is that if a couple spontaneously came to me and asked for a blessing, I am allowed to give it to them. The thinking is, that I shouldn’t have to know that their background is morally sound before I give a blessing. It is the same if it is a couple in an irregular union where they are waiting on annulments. However, I am not allowed to do it if it gives the impression that I am blessing a union, or marriage, so it would not be a formal blessing, or ritual.
If you think about what a blessing is. To ask for a blessing is to ask for God’s help, strength and mercy, to live the right way and do what is right before God. It makes sense that anyone should be able to receive such a blessing, so long as it doesn’t give the impression that it is condoning their union that we don’t believe as right.
Also someone mentioned that Pope Francis invited some transgender people to the Vatican. Jesus deliberately went to the homes of tax-collectors and prostitutes and all the religious leaders of the time complained and were scandalized. He was reaching out to them and that is what the pope is doing too.
Pope Francis is certainly a very different kind of pope from Pope Benedict XVI and John Paul II, but that doesn’t mean the Lord isn’t working through him. Remember that it is the Lord’s Church.
‘You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. And the gates of the underworld shall never prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever you lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven’ (Matt 16:18-19).
When Napoleon was taking over Europe, he met the cardinal of Paris. He told him that he was going to destroy the Vatican. The cardinal replied, ‘You won’t be able. We priests have been trying to destroy it for the last 1800 years and we haven’t been able.’
Think of all the scandals that have happened down through the centuries and there have been many and serious ones, especially in recent years. The Church would not have survived them if it were of human origin. It is still here because it is the Lord’s Church and the Lord is still guiding the Church. That doesn’t mean that people in the Church can’t make mistakes, but the Lord still works through weak human instruments. If I thought for a second that the Church was of human origin, I wouldn’t be part of it, but I am convinced that it is and that is why I am not afraid when we are presented with things that are confusing. We are going through turbulent times, but don’t be afraid of that. It never comes down to what one person says.
At one point, St. Paul publicly challenged St. Peter, because he was clearly in the wrong. He had been eating with the Gentiles, but then when some Jews turned up, he stopped and only ate with them. He was afraid of criticism, but what he did was wrong and Paul pointed this out. Peter then realized his mistake and corrected what he was doing. So human bishops and priests are not above reproach.
2:11 But when Peter came to Antioch, I had to oppose him to his face, for what he did was very wrong. 12 When he first arrived, he ate with the Gentile believers, who were not circumcised. But afterward, when some friends of James came, Peter wouldn’t eat with the Gentiles anymore. He was afraid of criticism from these people who insisted on the necessity of circumcision. 13 As a result, other Jewish believers followed Peter’s hypocrisy, and even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy. (Gal 2:11-13)
It is easy to think of the Church as God’s Church, but that God is just observing it from a distance. We forget that the Lord is constantly working through his Church and will continue to. ‘The gates of the underworld shall not prevail against it.’ Throughout the world the Spirit continually inspires people to act. God doesn’t just wait until we decide it is the right time to do something. The Spirit acts when the time is right, not when we are ready. And so people continue to be inspired.
There is the story of a young man who was interested in becoming a priest. He was being guided by a local priest, but wanted to go Rome to see the Vatican before he started his studies for the priesthood. When he left for his trip, the priest said to himself that that was the end of his vocation once he saw the Vatican and the corruption. When the young man returned, he said ‘Now I am ready to start my studies.’ The priest asked him, ‘What did you think of the Vatican? He said there was so much corruption, but that just affirmed to him that the Church had to be from God.
So don’t be put off by things like this document. It is still the Lord’s Church and always will be.
‘You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church…and the gates of the underworld shall not prevail against it.’
You can also find the US Bishop’s official statement on the Pope’s decree here:
Doctrinal dicastery explains how, when gay couples can be blessed | USCCB
Saturday, December 16, 2023
3rd Sunday of Advent, Year A (Gospel: John 1:6-8; 19-28) What does the coming of Jesus mean?
Why was the coming of John the Baptist so important? Why is the coming of Jesus at Christmas so important? What exactly does the coming of Jesus at Christmas mean? We always talk about it being the good news, a message of hope, but what exactly does that mean in practical terms?
Most of us have been taught that as we grow up we should try to live the right way, following God’s Commandments and hopefully when we die, if we are good enough, we will be allowed get into heaven. We even have all those jokes about meeting St. Peter at the gates and having to answer questions to see if we are good enough, if we pass the test. Would you agree with that? The second part of that statement is not correct. The part that says, ‘If we are good enough we will get into heaven.’ You might be surprised to know that that is not the message of Christianity at all.
The truth is that we can never be good enough, or holy enough, to come into God’s presence by our own strength. The reason we call it good news is that it is Jesus who makes it possible. The Lord knows that no matter how hard we try we cannot be good enough for God by our own strength and so God comes among us in the person of Jesus to make it possible. Through Jesus’ self-sacrifice on the cross, our going to heaven was made possible. We can get to heaven because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is Jesus who makes it possible.
It says in Romans 3:23, ‘Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, they are redeemed by his grace… as a gift… to be received by faith.’
All fall short of the glory of God, but his grace makes it possible for us and this is offered to us as a gift and the way we receive that gift is through faith. We say, ‘Yes, I believe this and I accept it.’
Think of it this way. The holiness of the holiest people on earth, the Mother Theresas and others like that, might bring them 80% of the way to being good enough for God, but no one could ever be completely holy enough by themselves. How could any human be holy enough to be in God’s presence?
Think of what Jesus said about John the Baptist: ‘No one greater than John the Baptist has ever been born.’ That’s a pretty extraordinary thing to say about someone. But Jesus goes on to say, ‘Yet the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he is.’ John the Baptist is less than the least of those in heaven? So how are the rest of us supposed to get to heaven? The answer is, because of what God has done for us through Jesus. The death and resurrection of Jesus means that God has done for us what we could not do for ourselves. God has made us holy enough to be in his presence if we accept it. Why do I say ‘if’? God shows us the path that we must follow, living according to his Commandments as best we can, but we have to choose to do that. We can choose not to and sadly some do. We will never be perfect by our own strength no matter how hard we try, but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that we do try and when we fall we come back and ask forgiveness and Jesus assures us of his forgiveness and mercy for anyone who asks. Jesus does for us what we cannot do for ourselves by his death and resurrection.
In one of the Gospels a rich man comes to Jesus asking him what he must do to get to heaven and Jesus tells him to live the Commandments. But the rich man presses him saying, ‘I do that already, what else to I need to do?’ Jesus said to him, ‘If you wish to be perfect, sell what you own and come after me’ (Matt 19:21). It says that the rich man went away sad because he knew he wouldn’t be able to do that. Jesus knew he wouldn’t be able to do that too. Remember he said to him ‘If you wish to be perfect’. None of us are perfect. Then Jesus pointed out to his disciples how hard it is for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. The disciples were shocked and said: ‘Then who can be saved?’ And Jesus’ answer is both shocking and wonderful. He said, ‘For people it is impossible, but not for God. Everything is possible for God.’ What we cannot do for ourselves, God does for us. That is why we need never be afraid of not being good enough for God when we die, so long as we keep trying.
It is easy to become discouraged by our own sinfulness and especially when we feel are not overcoming our weaknesses. And people ask, ‘How will I be able to go to heaven when I keep falling into sin? How could I be pleasing to God?’ Again, the answer is, by the grace of God. What is important is that we keep trying. The path to God is about getting up again, and again and again, each time we fall.
Does that mean that we can just relax and do whatever we want? No. St. Paul writes, ‘Go on working out your salvation in fear and trembling’ (Phil 2:2). It would be equally foolish to think that I can live any way I want, since God forgives everything. We must never be presumptuous about God’s grace, but if we are sincere, we have nothing to be afraid of. This also gives us a great freedom. It means there is nothing to be afraid of in regards to God, so long as we try. God does everything else.
Think also of when we are about to receive Holy Communion. We are unworthy to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, but it is God who makes this possible too. That is why we say this wonderful prayer: ‘Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof… but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.’ ‘Only say the word!’ You can make it possible Lord!
That is why the coming of Christ among us is so important. That is why Christmas and Easter are such great feasts, because they are not just about Jesus, but they are also about us. God has won heaven for us. That is why it is called good news, because it gives us the greatest hope there is: the hope that heaven is there for us if we choose it.
Friday, December 8, 2023
2nd Sunday of Advent (Mark 1:1-8) No Christmas without repentance
How would you feel if you got a Christmas card that read like this:
Our thoughts of you this Christmas are best expressed in the words of John the Baptist, "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be thrown into the fire.”
Merry Christmas from Fr. Murchadh."
I suppose we would add Fr. Murchadh, or whoever sent it, to our list of x-friends!
Advent has really become the time of getting ready for Christmas in the sense of buying the gifts we want to give, going to office parties, etc, but this is quite different from the original message. John the Baptist was sent by God to prepare the people for the coming of Jesus and his message was very strong. ‘Repent, confess your sins, change your lives and look for happiness in God.’ This is the part of preparing for Christmas that is easy to overlook. We want the celebration of Christmas, but we don’t necessarily want to have to repent. Just leave us alone and let us celebrate. We want absolution, but without having to confess. We want the love and blessing of God without having to follow the commandments. We want faith on our terms. That is called ‘cheap grace’. It is empty and it is not the message of God.
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First image from the James Webb telescope |
The message of God is a wonderful one, but is also a very demanding one. We can not come and pick what we like. Instead we come and ask what is required of us? That is what the people who came to John asked: ‘What must we do?’ To be a disciple of Jesus is to be a follower. We are not used to thinking this way, because our world encourages us to make sure things are as we would like them. If you’re not happy, move on; but this is not the message of the Gospels. In the Gospel we listen to what it is that God asks of us. We follow God on God’s terms and not our terms.
It's the same mentality when people say the mass is boring. It may be boring at times, but if it is it’s because I am looking to get something out of it. What’s in it for me? No one every says a funeral was boring, because they know why they are there: to honor the dead, to pay our respect. The mass is about me giving of myself, to worship God, to give him thanks and praise for all that we have. If I understand that then the mass won’t be boring, because I am no longer saying ‘What’s in it for me?’
Jesus said that John the Baptist was the greatest man ever born of woman, which is quite a statement. He was totally focused on God. He knew what was important and he passed on the message he was told to pass on and it cost him his life. When he said that what the king was doing was immoral, he was arrested and imprisoned. They shut down his ministry. Then he was beheaded by Herod for speaking the truth. We don’t always want to hear the truth, because it is often demanding and challenges us to change and sometimes it tells us we are wrong. No one likes to hear that.
If we are serious about celebrating Christmas as a Christian feast, then let us not forget the message of John the Baptist. ‘Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is close at hand.’ The term ‘repent’ means turn away from sin, but it can also mean ‘change the direction in which you are looking for happiness.’ That is a message many people need to hear. So many people are looking for happiness in the world, but when the things of the world collapse, they are left disappointed. Worldly things don’t fulfil us. However, the Lord is telling us to turn to him for happiness. It is only in God that we will find true happiness. The world will disappoint us; God will not. People will let us down, but God will not.
The sin of Adam and Eve was a very similar sin to what we see going on today. It involved three things: (1) rejecting the idea that they had to serve God, or listen to his commands; (2) that they could have everything they wanted on their terms, (3) that they could be like God themselves. That is very similar to what we see going on in our world right now and it is a real temptation. Why should we have to obey commandments? We don’t like being told we have to obey anyone and yet the word obey literally means ‘to listen intently’ (from the Latin, ‘ob audire’). And if you think about it, it says that Jesus was obedient to the Father. Jesus was equal to the Father, but Jesus was also obedient to him. We are being called to listen intently to what God tells us, to acknowledge that we are God’s creation and that we must obey—listen intently—to what He tells us if we are to find the path to happiness.
The most important preparation we can make for Christmas is the interior preparation, the change of heart, the confession of sins. And yes, most of us don’t want to have to confess our sins. We think we shouldn’t have to, but this is what God asks us to do and if God asks us to do it, it is for our benefit. Deciding that I don’t need to confess is saying, ‘God, I don’t need your gift and I don’t need to listen to what you ask of me.’ God has given us the gift of confession, through his priests, in order to help us and heal us. It is one of the sacraments of healing.
What a shame it would be to die and come before God and then realize that He had given us this gift of his forgiveness and we ignored it, telling ourselves we knew better. When we die we will be shown the good and bad we have done, except for the sins we have confessed, which are blotted out by the power of the Holy Spirit in confession. It is his gift to us.
The celebration of Christmas is meaningless if we skip the kind of preparation that God asks us to make and sadly for many people it has become meaningless. It doesn’t have to be meaningless, because it is the celebration of something very wonderful, the coming of God among us in the person of Jesus—the second person of the Holy Trinity—taking on human flesh, in order to sacrifice himself in atonement for our sins, so that we could go to heaven when we die. God created us for paradise. We lost it, by rejecting God’s word, but God won it back for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. No wonder the celebration of Christmas is such a great event.
As always, the Lord invites us to listen to him and follow him. He will never force us:
I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door to me, I will come in and sit down to eat with him, and he with me. (Rev 3:20)
Those words are from the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible and this message is repeated all through the Bible in different ways. The Lord wants to be at the centre of what we do, but we are the only ones who can allow that to happen.
‘Repent, for the kingdom of God is close at hand.’
Saturday, December 2, 2023
1st Sunday of Advent, Year B (Gospel: Mk 13:33-37) Hope
I always like the fact that we celebrate Christmas in the middle of winter when the evenings are short and it is usually cold (unless you live in Florida!). Then we begin to light candles and put up colored lights and decorations to remind us of the coming of our King. It is a time of great hope and hopefully also a time that will bring joy. ‘Advent’—which simply means ‘coming’—is meant to be a time of preparing for two things: we are preparing for the coming of Jesus at Christmas, and we are also remembering that Christ will come again at the end of time. Each Sunday in the Creed we say that, ‘He will come again to judge the living and the dead.’ We don’t know when that will be, but we believe that it will happen because He is the one who said it. The Lord asks us to ‘stay awake’ and not to forget him, because none of us know when we will die, but the important thing is that we do not forget the Lord, who loves us and who created us. And so each Christmas we remember that Jesus came among us, for us, to help us, to teach us about God, about the world to come and above all to die for us, so that we can join in the happiness of God when we die ourselves.
The best way that we can prepare ourselves is in the heart, by trying to give time to God and being open to what He wants to say to us. The Lord is constantly speaking to us but often we are not listening because we are too busy or distracted. People sometimes ask me if God speaks to me. Yes, God speaks to me all the time, but not through visions or voices. It's usually through other people or through the Scriptures. It took me a while to learn how to listen, so that I might hear what God is saying to me. Advent is a good time to try and listen again and hear what the Lord has to say to us. That is why the readings are about getting ready for the one who is coming, and not being so distracted by the world around us that we forget him.
One thing that is characteristic of the Gospels is that they are full of hope. The message of God to us—the Good News—is always one of hope and it is certainly something we need in a world where we are constantly hearing of so many terrible things happening around us. We don't hear of all the wonderful things that are constantly happening around us: the many acts of kindness that people continually do for each other, looking out for each other especially when we are struggling. This is the Spirit at work in us and this is what makes the world bearable, in spite of the awful things that happen. A few years ago (Nov 2016) several serious fires were started in different parts of Israel, just to cause suffering. Then, to everyone’s amazement one group that came to help out were firefighters from Palestine. As you know there is a lot of tension and hatred between these two countries at the best of times, but there is more goodness in people than evil. We just don’t usually hear about it.
One of the first hostages to be released from Gaza a few weeks ago, was an 85 year old woman from Israel. As she was being released by the Hamas fighters she turned to one of them and extended her hand and said, ‘shalom.’ Through the wisdom of her years, she was able to rise above the hatred and cruelty. That’s what changes the world.
Jesus reminds us that while we get on with the ordinary things of everyday life—eating, drinking, marrying, working—we must not forget the eternal things. It is a warning to us never to become so immersed in time and the things of the world, that we forget eternity. Even though worldly affairs are important, we must not let them distract us from the reality of God; the reality that we will die, that life and death are in his hands, and that whenever He does come for us, He must find us ready.
In one sense we can never be ready enough for God. How do you prepare to meet God? And yet this is what God has created us for and we believe it will be wonderful beyond our wildest dreams, if we have made any effort to be ready.
Jesus says that when the Son of Man comes, of two people doing the same thing, one will be taken the other left. What does this mean? It means that although both people were doing the same ordinary things that we all have to do, one of them had not forgotten about God and had been living for God and according to his will, but the other had not. The one who had forgotten got left behind. These are Jesus’ own teachings, not our speculation.
If we get totally immersed in the world, or in our families, or in our work, then we may miss what it is about, because there is much more to our life than this. It is not just about me and my family. Often it is when a loved one becomes seriously ill, or dies, that we suddenly start realizing how much we have become immersed in the world. Our priorities change instantly. We do have to get on with the day-to-day things of working and living, but we are being told to make sure that we also make time for God.
Put God first in everything. We are called to love and serve each other, not to find our own fulfillment. Our fulfillment will be in the world to come. Listen to what the Word of God says.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. (Phil 2: 3-4)
‘If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.’ -St. Teresa of Calcutta.
I think a good recipe for a ‘happy’ Christmas, is to keep it simple and spend some time coming up to Christmas remembering what it is about. Even go to mass once a week, or spend a few minutes in a church every few days. That way we will remember what we are celebrating.
The Angel said to the shepherds: “do not be afraid.
I bring you news of great joy.
Today in the town of David
a Savior has been born for you;
He is Christ the Lord.”