feast of the Epiphany is an interesting one. In the Eastern
Catholic Church, it is the main feast of Christmas. Here we
celebrate it as the feast of Christ being recognised by the world.
The three wise men, or astrologers, were led to this place where
Christ was. They are supposed to have come from different
countries. They represent all the peoples of the world, since
they were not Jewish. It is a way of saying that Jesus’
coming is for all peoples of all religions and color. All
people will recognise that Jesus is the Son of God.
three gifts they bring are symbolic. They point to something
else. Gold is the symbol of a king. Jesus is a king, the
King of the whole universe. Frankincense symbolises a God.
Jesus is also God. And myrrh is a perfume that represents the
suffering he will go through to win eternal life for the human race.
The feast is showing us that all peoples of all religions will
recognise that Jesus is God and that we only have eternal life
through him.
might seem a bit arrogant of us Christians to say that all people
will recognise that Jesus is the Son of God. That seems to
imply that we are right and that everyone else is wrong, but that is
not the case. People of different religions have very different
ways of understanding God and God speaks to all people through the
different religions. Even for those who will never hear of Jesus in
this lifetime, they still have eternal life won for them by the death
and resurrection of Christ. And eternal life is still offered
to them, just as it is to us. When they die they will see this
at once. There can only be one God and this God has created us
for happiness which will can only be fulfilled in him.
we lost the possibility of eternal life with God through what we call
Original Sin (and interestingly most religions have a similar
understanding of Original Sin although it is called by different
names) God regained the possibility of eternal life for us through
the death and resurrection of Jesus, but because God totally respects
the freedom He has given us He does not force this on us but
simply offers it to us. We must accept this gift individually,
and we do this through our faith. All people are offered this
possibility regardless of whether they come to know of God in this
life or not. There is no neutral ground for those who do not
believe. We accept life with God when we die, which will be our
total fulfilment, or we lose it forever, and that is the choice we
must make.
may have the impression that Jesus died for Christians only and that
you have to be a Christian to go to heaven. This would be to
see it backwards. Depending on how we live our life and the choices
we make, we accept or reject God. That is where our conscience
is so important, because even if we never hear of God during our
life, God speaks to us through our conscience, giving us a basic
understanding of what is right and wrong. Our faith and the
teachings of Jesus through the Church give us a better understanding
of what is right or wrong. All of the decisions that we make
throughout our life are bringing us closer to, or further away from
are simply people who recognise that Jesus is the Son of God and has
done all these things for us. We consider ourselves blessed
that God has made himself known to us in this way, but it doesn’t
mean that we have a better chance of going to heaven than anyone
else. That depends completely on how we live our life.
When we die we will realise that all this is really true. And
when other people of different religions die, they will also
recognise that Jesus Christ is Lord. That doesn’t mean that
they are all wrong now; rather that they have a different
understanding of God. What is important for them is to live
their faith as well as they can just as it is for us. If they
do this, God will also draw them closer and closer to himself and
bring them to holiness, just as He will with us if we remain open.
continue to pray that all peoples will begin to recognise that Jesus
Christ is Lord even in this life, because this is the truth which God
has revealed to us, but either way we try to respect people who
believe differently to us, and remember that they are also children
of God.
Every knee shall bow
in heaven, on earth and under the earth
and every tongue confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:10-11)
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